The Manifest Honey Whiskey Project is a joint collaboration between Bee Friends Farm and Manifest Distilling.
Aged for 2 years & 5 months, a 30-gallon barrel of straight rye whiskey, was dumped and given to Bee Friends. It was then immediately filled with black mangrove honey, a distinctive Floridian honey varietal that is rich in sweetness, balanced with a savory salinity. That honey was aged in the freshly-dumped whiskey barrel for two months, during which time the honey seeped deep into the barrel's char layer, picking up whiskey flavors and aromas.
After the honey finished its maturation, it was extracted and given back to Manifest Distilling, where it was refilled with that same rye whiskey and aged for an additional 3 months.
The result = sweet and savory honey with distinctive spice and oak character, and robust sipping whiskey with a finish as smooth as...well, honey.